
A way to escape


Our mind is indeed fascinating. It lets us think about some things that wouldn’t happen in real life, but over thinking could also be dangerous.

Over thinking is like black paint over writing a red paint. Everything becomes black eventually.

Black is dangerous.

Once the mind is at its peak, one could change, literally.

What are the causes of one having a black mind?


What would a black mind think about dealing with the people who are the roots of its problems?

The mind will then bottle up the negativities and become darker.

Darkness is a pit.

Until it really becomes a pit, it would be the end of everything and nothing is going to change anything.


What would happen after a soul leave a body?
Would the soul fly back to reminisce the regrets?
Or would it fly back to murder the hatreds?
Would it start playing memory videos and cut the bad scenes out,
or rewatch the film of life?
Would there be heaven for a second chance or hell forever?
Could the soul time travel to the future for a new life or travel back to rewrite history?
If there was a choice, the soul wouldn’t be there.

White and Black

Before white met black,
White was still a crap.
She was sad.
White was bad.
Black saw white,
how she tried,
with no fright,
with no pride.
So black helped her fight,
welcomed her to his side.
White got better,
but black forgot her.
He got busy with others.
Others are stronger,
some are trollers.
They made the team blacker.
All of them are black,
so black favoured blacks.
White became a leftover,
the only white lack of blacks,
oh how sad.
White is mad,
but it’s a fact,
White and black,
are never that,
that they are the same,
the same pack.

Grey eyes

A lonely cat roaming on the streets,
looking for something to eat.
Some passer bys wondered this cat’s breed,
some offered him a piece of meat.

He gets bullied by other cats,
but he never gave in.
He retaliated and being the bad guy is what he gets.
At the end he still wins.

Meowing under the rain,
tears fell down from his eyes.
To be like the rest is a shame,
he don’t want to pay the price.

Raising his right paw to the sky,
he looks at it and cry.
The droplets of the rain fell on his face,
reflected his eyes of color grey.

That grey eyes of him,
grey eyes of a tiger yet to be seen.

Rebellion city

Earth is big, but also small.

If a meteorite crashed on earth,

it would be gone in the blink of an eye.

Oh, how fragile it is.

There are many countries, cities and states on earth,

many of which,

a rebellion city hides among them.

In the city lives puppets who have cut their strings off from the hands.

They could think, but thinks better now.

Rebellion city is small,

but their goal is big:

To claim independence.

Who knows, one day, the population of the puppets would grow,

and then keep growing.

But who knows,

the Rebellion city might also be shut out,

just like how a meteorite would hit earth,

if it flew pass.


Eye blinks

Capture images

Not as photos

But as memories

Wonder how the brain works

It can remember so much

But sometimes forget about the important ones


There’s light and dark,

black and white,

female and male,

good and evil.

If all these are entwined,

nothing is good,

nor bad.

If God was pure,

the world He created would be perfect.

If Satan was evil,

He wouldn’t once be an angel.

There’s always a hint of something to make something complete,

and there are things many do not know about,

but feel.

Doctor C

Doctor C promised his patient the operation was going to be a successful one. His patient had high hopes on his skills and didn’t question his capability.

The time has come for the patient to go under the knife with Doctor C. He was confident and delicate with every procedures, when he made a big mistake.

Doctor C’s assistant gave him the wrong tool and he broke one of the veins on the patient’s body, which caused the patient to bleed extensively.

It was at that moment Doctor C realised that that trivial mistake had put his patient’s life at major risk. He did what he could to sustain the blood level but it kept dropping.

As he tried, on the screen of the HRM, was a horizontal line, and a beep sound that went on. The patient’s heart had stopped beating. Doctor C didn’t try to use the ventricular fibrillation for a second chance, he knew it wouldn’t help.

His patient had died. He was selfish and careless. He didn’t put in his 100% because he was confident.

He is a doctor, he is innocent. He is a murderer, a legal one. He is, Doctor C.

Madam know-it-all

She knows the world,
she knows it all,
because she has been in society for a long time;
but she’s not 90 years old.
She treats people different.
She wears a black shirt and the rest wears a red shirt.
Obviously, Madam know-it-all have the authority to criticise impolitely. She wears a black shirt afterall.
Is red shirt not a shirt like hers?
Or should she be naked?
Is everyone not human just like her?
Or should she be an animal then?
Madam know-it-all has defined good and the best; and that is herself. She is the best example of all time.
She has all the knowledge, but not doing something extraordinary.
Should she not be doing something better? She knows everything!
Madam know-it-all definitely deserves better,
she knows it all.

Bad news

Everything dawned on me today. Tons of weight literally just crushed on my shoulders.

I realised the impact of harm I’ve brought upon the people surrounding me. What have I done?

For the whole of a year, I made so much mistakes, again and again. I kept repeating. I didn’t know the consequences were going to be disastrous, at least for me.

Another year older but not any where matured. The thought of why am I like this I’m still not sure.

After I learned a bad news, I wished that bad news was me. No one ever deserves anything bad except for me, I should be.

I keep thinking why nobody asks, but it’s just because I don’t tell. Not in my nature to, or maybe it’s karma. I don’t know.

Mixture of emotions gushing through to the top of my head it hurts but helps me think.

I’d pay for my life to make that bad news good news.